Theoretical course - practical for workers using mobile lifting work platforms - 10 hours

€ 250,00 IVA esc


Theoretical-practical course for people using mobile work platforms that can be raised

According to art. 73 paragraph 4 of D.Lgs. 81/08 the workers in charge of the use of the equipment that require special knowledge and responsibilities referred to in art. 71, c. 7, must receive appropriate and specific training, information and training to enable the use of the equipment in an appropriate and safe manner, including in relation to the risks that may be caused to other persons.

The course is aimed at the Operators of "mobile lifting work platforms": mobile machine designed to move people to working positions, placed at a height greater than 2 m compared to a stable floor, in which they perform tasks from the work platform, with the intention that people enter and leave the work platform through a defined access position and that it consists at least of a work platform with controls, an extensible structure and a frame.

The aim of the course is to fulfill the training obligation imposed on the employer for the training of workers using mobile work platforms that can be raised with and without stabilizers (Art. 73 of Legislative Decree 81/08).
The contents comply with current regulations and related requirements.
At the end of the course will be issued a certificate of qualification, proven attendance equal to at least 90% of the training hours and verified the passing of the intermediate and final verification tests.
Failure to pass the final verification test means that the practical module must be repeated.

The training for operators of mobile lifting platforms with or without stabiliser is equal to 10 hours.

The content of the training program respects the provisions of the agreement State Regions 22 February 2012
1. Legal module - regulatory (1 hour)
2. Technical module (3 hours)
•• • MEWP categories
•• • structural components
•• • control and safety devices
•• • checks to be carried out before use
•• • specific PPE for use with MEWPs
•• • how to safely and safely use
•• • rescue operating procedures

3. Specific practical modules
•• • Practical module for MEWPs operating on stabilizers (4 hours)
•• • Practical module for MEWPs that can operate without stabilizer (4 hours)
•• • Practical module for the purpose of enabling the use of both MEWP with stabilizers and MEWP without stabilizers

4. Rating

The mandatory update is five years, as defined by the Agreement State Regions 22 February 2012, lasting 4 hours.