Theoretical course - practical for operators of self-propelled telescopic arm trucks - 12 hours

€ 250,00 IVA esc


Theoretical-practical training course for workers operating self-propelled industrial forklift trucks with telescopic arm

According to art. 73 paragraph 4 of D.Lgs. 81/08 the workers in charge of the use of the equipment that require special knowledge and responsibilities referred to in art. 71, c. 7, must receive appropriate and specific training, information and training to enable the use of the equipment in an appropriate and safe manner, including in relation to the risks that may be caused to other persons.

The course is aimed at the operators of "Self-propelled trucks with telescopic arm: counterweight forklifts equipped with more articulated arms, telescopic or not, not rotating, used to stack loads. The lifting device shall not be swivel or, in any case, shall not have a rotation movement greater than 5 The longitudinal axis of the trolley".

The aim of the course is to fulfill the training obligation imposed on the employer for the training of operators Self-propelled telescopic arm trucks (art. 73 of Legislative Decree 81/08).

The contents comply with current regulations and related requirements.

At the end of the course will be issued a certificate of qualification, proven attendance equal to at least 90% of the training hours and verified the passing of the intermediate and final verification tests.
Failure to pass the final verification test entails the obligation to repeat the practical module.

The training for operators of self-propelled telescopic arm trucks is equal to 12 hours.

The content of the training program respects the provisions of the agreement State Regions 22 February 2012
1. Legal module - regulatory (1 hour)

2. Technical module (3 hours)
• Types and characteristics of the various types of vehicles for internal transport: from hand pallet trucks to front counterweight forklifts
• Main risks associated with the use of self-propelled trucks: falling load, overturning, overturning, collisions of people with the load or with moving parts of the trolley, risks related to the environment (obstacles, power lines, etc.)risks related to the use of different forms of energy (electrical, hydraulic, etc.).
• Basics of physics: basic notions for the evaluation of loads handled, equilibrium conditions of a body. Stability (concept of the load centre of gravity and the first degree lever). Tipping lines. Static and dynamic stability and influence due to the mobility of the trolley and the working environment (centrifugal and inertial forces). Forklift capacity.
• Technology of self-propelled trucks
• Main components
• Battery charging systems:
• The equilibrium conditions
• Controls and maintenance
• Safe use of self-propelled trucks

3. Practical modules (4 hours)

4. Rating

The mandatory update is five years, as defined by the Agreement State Regions 22 February 2012, lasting 4 hours.